Una patrulla de vigilancia cae en una emboscada y mueren 3 Guardaparques. También junto a ellos, perecen 5 soldados del Ejército Nacional del Congo que estaban prestando apoyo a la misión.
Hubieron disparos pesados producidos por una banda desconocida, con el lanzamiento de un tiro de Bazuca que impactó en la camioneta donde se desplazaban las victimas (a solo 1 km de la entrada del Parque Nacional Virunga).
Guardaparques asesinados:
1. Agustín Shamukungu
2. Yalala Bateterana
3. Magombani (Conductor)
Adaptado del comunicado del Guardaparque Jobogo Mirindi desde el Parque Nacional de Virunga - Congo.
A patrol team of rangers has fallen into an ambush and 3 rangers died. Also 5 soldier from Congo National Army working in a joint patrol died too in the ambush.
Heavy shots occurred by an unknown gang, launching a rocket on the pick up, at 1 km at the Virunga National Park entrance.
Fallen Rangers Names:
1. Augustin Shamukungu
2. Yalala Bateterana
3. Magombani (Driver)
We are deeply saddened to announce the death of eight of our colleagues in a violent attack on one of our vehicles at 6am this morning. 3 were rangers and 5 were soldiers with whom we were working. The vehicle was deploying the men along a road that goes through the centre of the park, so that the public can travel safely through this area that has been very insecure as a result of the presence of illegal armed groups. The attack took place just next to the site where a UN peace keeper was killed last year.
All the signs indicate that the assailants were from an FDLR unit that is camped in the park. We’ve had reports of over 700 FDLR combatants coming into the park in recent days. They are extremely hostile towards ICCN ever since we started to stop the forest destruction for charcoal, an illegal industry from which they were making significant revenue.
I am in Rwindi with Rodrigue. The eight rangers will be buried at Mai ya Moto, our burial site where we honor those who have died in our efforts to protect the park. Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased and with the wounded in hospital.
Fonte: Guardaparques
I am deeply sorrow for those who died, trying to save the forest and their inhabitants
My condolence from Portugal