· Four days in the beautiful surroundings of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molisse National Park in Italy
· A great opportunity to network with protected area practitioners from across Europe
· Speeches from a number of high-level international contributors including Sarrat Gidda - Convention for Biological Diversity, Jon Jarvis - Director, National Park Service, USA, Harvey Locke - Vice President of Wild Foundation, Carlo Petrini - President, Slow Food International
· A variety of one day exciting excursions to enable you to explore the region and discover its cultural and natural heritage
· A plethora of intriguing and inspiring workshops falling under the following wider themes: Biodiversity, the use of resources/human activities, the co-management of natural resources/protected areas, values and benefits and the future of protected areas
· The opportunity to sample great Italian cuisine at a number of evening events including the famous gala dinner on the last night
· And much, much more
People are still talking about the EUROPARC conference in Sweden last year. Come and join us in Italy and join in the conversation...
More information about the conference including the registration forms can be found online at www.parcoabruzzo.it/europarc2010
Don’t forget that the deadline for registering side meetings is also next Friday. If you want to hold one and still haven’t sent us your proposal please do so before then.
We look forward to seeing you in Italy.
Your EUROPARC team
EUROPARC Federation
Waffnergasse 6
93047 Regensburg
Office tel: +49 (0)941 599 35 98-0
Fax: +49 (0)941 599 35 98-9
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